
Re-admission of Candidates:

A student who had discontinued her studies in the middle of a semester or who had not appeared for Board Examination of current semester of study, can apply and get re-admission in the same semester in the following or subsequent academic years if she wishes to complete the Course and satisfies the following conditions:

(i) The candidate should not have exhausted the total period of study permitted (SIX years for full time, SIX AND A HALF years for Sandwich and SEVEN years for part time.

(ii) She, on re-admission, should be able to complete her full course of study within the above stipulated total period. A candidate who had discontinued her studies continuously or in spells for more than 3 years shall not be recommended for re-admission.

(iii) A candidate who had received her transfer certificate (T.C.) on her own from one institution without getting proper transfer orders from the office of Chairman, Board of Examination, cannot apply for re-admission to any other institution. She has to be re-admitted only in the old institution and application for transfer to any other institution has to be submitted through the parent institution only.

(iv) A candidate who had been expelled from one institution, for any reason, shall not be admitted into any other institution. Re-admission proposals shall not be sent for such candidates, by the new institution.

(v) A candidate who had been debarred from writing Board’s Examinations for her involvement in any malpractice shall not be allowed to continue her studies or re-admitted in any other institution until the period of punishment is over. And till then, the institution shall not issue Transfer Certificate or Course completion Certificate to such candidates.

(vi) A candidate, whose petition is pending in any court with respect to her admission /exam results / punishments etc. and who had discontinued the studies shall not be re-admitted in the institution without getting the prior permission of the Chairman, Board of Studies and Examinations.

(vii) Re-admissions are not permissible in First year for regular students and in third semester for lateral entry students, who have not written any Board Examination, before their discontinuance of study. They have to forego their candidature and seek admission again afresh. A last date, usually 15 days after the day of re-opening of Institutions for the semester, is being fixed and announced for the re-admission of students.